Are you looking for some useful idioms for kids?
Well, you are in the right place.
In this post, have a huge list of some of the most popular idioms for kids.
For each idiom, we are going to explain what it means and how to use it in a sentence.
Let’s begin…

107 Popular Idioms For Kids (Meaning & Examples)
1. As Easy As ABC
- Meaning: something that is very easy to do.
- Use In A Sentence: Learning to use an iPad is as easy as ABC.
2. To Be A Class Clown
- Meaning: a student who acts silly in class to get the attention and laughs from others.
- Use In A Sentence: Johnny is a class clown. Though the teacher told the students not to laugh at his silliness, they couldn’t help it.
3. To Cost An Arm And A Leg
- Meaning: to be very expensive.
- Use In A Sentence: Tammy wanted to buy a used car but after learning that it would cost an arm and a leg, she decided to buy a bike instead.
4. To Be A Happy Camper
- Meaning: to be very happy.
- Use In A Sentence: Dad was a happy camper when his new tractor was delivered last week. He hasn’t stopped using it since.
5. To Sleep Like A Log
- Meaning: to get a very deep sleep. So much so that one isn’t disturbed easily.
- Use In A Sentence: After the first week of football practice, I slept like a log.
6. Chicken
- Meaning: Someone who is afraid; a coward.
- Use In A Sentence: Jim was a chicken and wouldn’t pet the snake. Julie, however, was excited to try something new.
7. To Have A Sleepover
- Meaning: to spend the night in another person’s house.
- Use In A Sentence: Jill was so excited when her mom told her she could have a sleepover and invite her 3 best friends.
8. Hold Your Horses
- Meaning: to tell someone to slow down or to tell them to wait.
- Use In A Sentence: Hold your horses! We are going to leave in a minute. I just need to put away the food.
9. To Be Hot Water
- Meaning: to be in trouble.
- Use In A Sentence: You are going to be in hot water if mom finds out you were playing video games instead of doing your homework.
10. Black And Blue
- Meaning: to be bruised.
- Use In A Sentence: After she fell off the step ladder, Rosie’s leg was all black and blue.

11. To Be As Busy As A Bee
- Meaning: to be very busy.
- Use In A Sentence: Tim was busy as a bee preparing for his first day of school.
12. To Be As Strong As A Lion
- Meaning: used to describe a person who is really strong or in good physical condition.
- Use in a sentence: My Dad is as strong as a lion.
13. To Put A Bug In One’s Ear
- Meaning: to make a suggestion.
- Use in a sentence: Mary really wanted to go to the beach next week, so she put a bug in Yoshi’s ear. Fortunately, he caught on and made the necessary arrangements.
14. To Give Someone A Fish-Kiss
- Meaning: to kiss someone with puckered lips like a fish.
- Use in a sentence: Max fish-kissed his girlfriend right in front of the whole class.
15. To Drag One’s Feet
- Meaning: to move slowly usually because one doesn’t want to do something.
- Use In A Sentence: Will you quit dragging your feet? We need to clean the house before mom and dad come home.
16. To Rain Cats And Dogs
- Meaning: To be raining very heavily.
- Example In A Sentence: Mom said we can’t go outside right now because it is going to rain cats and dogs.
17. To Be A Cutie Pie
- Meaning: a term of endearment used to refer to a cute person, usually a child.
- Use In A Sentence: Good afternoon cutie pie. How was your first day of school?
18. Do You Kiss Your Momma With That Mouth?
- Meaning: an expression used to tell someone they need to clean up their speech, by not using obscenities, vulgar language, etc.
- Use In A Sentence: Do you think those words are respectful? Do you kiss your momma with that mouth? You better behave or else I will tell your parents.
19. To Monkey Around
- Meaning: to waste time.
- Use In A Sentence: Since the kids wouldn’t stop monkeying around, the next door neighbor, Katherine, had to get involved.
20. To Be In The Same Boat
- Meaning: to be in the same situation as another person.
- Use In A Sentence: Are you going to go to Lisa’s house? Mom said I can’t go until I finish my homework. We are both in the same boat. My dad told me the same thing.

21. To Be A Piece Of Cake
- Meaning: to say that something is extremely easy to do.
- Use In A Sentence: That math test was a piece of cake.
22. To See Eye To Eye With Someone
- Meaning: to agree about something with someone.
- Use In A Sentence: Dad and I don’t see eye to eye on a number of different things.
23. To Slip One’s Mind
- Meaning: to forget something.
- Use In A Sentence: I am sorry I forgot about meeting up with you after school. It completely slipped my mind.
24. To Let The Cat Out Of The Bag
- Meaning: to tell a secret.
- Use In A Sentence: How did your sister find out about the surprise party? Who let the cat out of the bag?
25. The Elephant In The Room
- Meaning: a serious problem that everyone is aware of.
- Use In A Sentence: Okay first let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Why are you wearing a cast on your leg?
26. To Stir The Hornet’s Nest
- Meaning: to cause a lot of trouble or problems.
- Use In A Sentence: Why did you have to come in and stir the hornet’s nest? I was so close to convincing mom and dad to let us go to grandma’s house this weekend.
27. To Have Second Thoughts About Something
- Meaning: to doubt or to reconsider something.
- Use In A Sentence: I am starting to have seconds thoughts about this. Do you really think this is a good idea?
28. To Give One’s Two Cent’s Worth
- Meaning: to share one opinion. Oftentimes when it is not asked for.
- Use In A Sentence: If I can give my two cent’s worth, I think you should buy the car. It is not a lot of money and it is really big for the family.
29. To Have Ants In One’s Pants
- Meaning: to be restless. Usually because of having a lot of energy, anxiety, or lacking patience.
- Use In A Sentence: Will you just sit still for five minutes while I talk to your teacher? Do you have ants in your pants or what?

30. To Move At A Snail’s Pace
- Meaning: to do something very slowly.
- Use In A Sentence: Judy moved at a snail’s pace. It really bothered Tom until he realized that she had injured her foot and had a reason to walk so slowly.
31. To Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed
- Meaning: to wake up in a bad mood. To be unhappy or grumpy.
- Use In A Sentence: What is Max’s problem? It seems like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
32. To Not Be The Sharpest Pencil In The Cup
- Meaning: used to refer to someone who is slow, unintelligent, or stupid.
- Use In A Sentence: He may not be the sharpest pencil in the cup, but he sure knows how to play football.
33. To Know Someone Or Something Like A Book
- Meaning: to know something or someone very well.
- Use In A Sentence: Do you know Wayne very well? Yes, we have been in the same school since I was six. I know him like a book. What do you want to know about him?
34. To Be A Sitting Duck
- Meaning: to be in a vulnerable position. An easy target.
- Use In A Sentence: Please don’t wear that hat to school. It looks weird and you will be sitting ducks for jokes on the playground.
35. To Be A Guinea Pig
- Meaning: a person that is used for an experiment.
- Use In A Sentence: Mary used her children as guinea pigs to try out her new cookie recipe. It was a success!
36. To Be A Fly On The Wall
- Meaning: someone who watches but isn’t noticed by others.
- Use In A Sentence: I would love to be a fly on the wall when mom talks to my brother. I think he is in big trouble.
37. To Eat Like A Bird
- Meaning: to eat very little.
- Use In A Sentence: Why doesn’t Brian eat? Is he sick? No, he has always been like that. He eats very little. Mom and dad always said he eats like a bird.
38. To Be Dumber Than A Doornail
- Meaning: very stupid.
- Use In A Sentence: She thought she could drive her car 10,000 miles without changing the oil. Wow, she is dumber than a doornail.
39. To Talk One’s Arm Off
- Meaning: when a person talks so much that those around them get bored.
- Use In A Sentence: If you are planning on talking to Amy be prepared to stay awhile. The last time I went to her house she talked my arm off.
40. To Be An Early Bird
- Meaning: a person that often arrives early to an event.
- Use In A Sentence: Paul was known to be an early bird. He has never arrived late to an event.
41. To Wet One’s Whistle
- Meaning: to get a drink.
- Use In A Sentence: Could I trouble you for a glass of water? I just need to wet my whistle before playing another game.
42. To Be A Night Owl
- Meaning: someone that tends to stay up late.
- Use In A Sentence: Be careful not to wake up Sam. You know, he didn’t go to bed until 3 a.m. this morning. Wow, he is such a night owl.
43. To Be Clean As A Whistle
- Meaning: extremely clean.
- Use In A Sentence: When I get back I want this room to be as clean as a whistle.
44. To Go Out On A Limb
- Meaning: To take a risk. To do something that isn’t common.
- Use In A Sentence: Megan wanted to go out on a limb and try something completely different from everyone else.
45. Word On The Street
- Meaning: information that is being passed from one person to the next. What kids are talking about on the playground.
- Use In A Sentence: The word on the street is that Johnny is moving to Tennessee.
46. To Be Light On One’s Feet
- Meaning: to be quick or to move gracefully like a dancer.
- Use In A Sentence: Because he plays football I wasn’t expecting him to be a good dancer, but he is light on his feet.
47. To Blow The Whistle On Something Or Something
- Meaning: to expose someone for doing something they should be doing.
- Use In A Sentence: I was sure we weren’t going to get caught, but Greg just had to go and blow the whistle on us.
48. To Give Someone The Green Light
- Meaning: to give someone permission to do something.
- Use In A Sentence: Okay guys, I talked with my mom and she gave me the green light. I can spend the night at your house, but I need to be home before 9:00 tomorrow.
49. To Be On The Same Page
- Meaning: when two people think the same thing about something. To say that two people are in agreement about something.
- Use In A Sentence: It is much easier to work as a team when everyone is on the same page.
50. To Give Someone The Cold Shoulder
- Meaning: to ignore someone. To deliberately be unfriendly with them.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t know if it was something I said, but ever since Monday, Jeff has been giving me the cold shoulder.
51. To Spill The Beans
- Meaning: to reveal a secret.
- Use In A Sentence: How did mom find out about her gift? I want to know who spilled the beans.
52. To Be Like Two Peas In A Pod
- Meaning: used to describe to people that share the same interest or two people that have a lot of things in common.
- Use In A Sentence: Jessica and Megan are like two peas in a pod, they are always hanging out together.
53. The Ball Is In Your Court
- Meaning: this is a term used to describe when a person has the responsibility to take action or to make a decision.
- Use In A Sentence: Now, the ball is in your court. You have to make a decision. Are you going to go to the party or not?
54. To Spice Something Up
- Meaning: to make something interesting.
- Use In A Sentence: English class was so boring until the teacher decided to spice things up by cracking some jokes.
55. To Drop The Ball
- Meaning: to make a mistake, to miss an opportunity, or to forget something.
- Use In A Sentence: Everything was going great until Megan dropped the ball and forgot to turn in our team’s homework.
56. To Skating On Thin Ice
- Meaning: to be engaging in risky behavior, something that could get on in a lot of trouble.
- Use In A Sentence: Sam is skating on thin ice. One day he is going to get caught skipping school and then he won’t be so happy.
57. To Walk On Eggshells
- Meaning: to be very careful not to upset another person.
- Use In A Sentence: Caleb gets mad very easily. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I always feel like I am walking on eggshells when I am around him.
58. To Rule The School
- Meaning: to rule the school means to be very influential in one’s school
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t like talking with the 5th graders. They think that because they are older they rule the school.
59. To Throw In The Towel
- Meaning: to give up on something.
- Use In A Sentence: After spending 6 months on the project and making very little progress Steve decided to throw in the towel.
60. To Sweat Like A Pig
- Meaning: to sweat a lot.
- Use In A Sentence: Can you roll down the window. It is so hot in here. I am sweating like a pig.
61. Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover
- Meaning: don’t base your opinion about something or someone based solely on looks
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t know about this restaurant. It looks kind of dumpy. Don’t judge a book by its cover. This is the best Chinese restaurant in town.
62. To Cry Wolf
- Meaning: to say something is happening when it really isn’t. Oftentimes a person does this so often that people stop believing what they say.
- Use In A Sentence: I am sure it is not that bad. Jane is always crying wolf about something.
63. To Crack A Window
- Meaning: to open a window.
- Use In A Sentence: I think I am getting carsick. Could you crack open the window? I need some fresh air.
64. To Fight Like Cats And Dogs
- Meaning: used to describe two people that don’t get along. Every time they are together they end up fighting.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t want to be on the same team as Jessica and Tara. They fight like cats and dogs.
65. To Cram For A Test
- Meaning: to study for a test moments before you are going to take the test.
- Use In A Sentence: I think you would have done better on the math test if you didn’t cram for the test at the last minute.
66. To Speak A Mile A Minute
- Meaning: to speak very quickly.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t know what she said. She speaks a mile a minute. It was hard for me to keep up.
67. To Be A One Trick Pony
- Meaning: a person who does one thing very well or they have only been successful once.
- Use In A Sentence: Whatever happened to the group that sings this song? I guess they were just a one-trick pony. None of their other songs took off.
68. It’s Not Rocket Science
- Meaning: an expression used to describe something that isn’t very difficult to do.
- Use In A Sentence: Algebra isn’t rocket science. You just need to pay close attention to what the teacher says in class.
69. To Miss Something By A Mile
- Meaning: to miss the goal or objective by a very large margin.
- Use In A Sentence: I thought you said he was good at playing darts? Everytime he threw a dart it missed by a mile.
70. To Cut The Cheese
- Meaning: slang for passing gas.
- Use In A Sentence: It smells in here? Matt, did you cut the cheese again?
71. To Be Old School
- Meaning: used to describe someone who is old fashioned. It can also refer to an older style.
- Use In A Sentence: I like those sunglasses they are super old school.
72. To Have One’s Nose In A Book
- Meaning: to read a book. Usually, it is used to say that someone is always reading a book.
- Use In A Sentence: Where is Frank? I don’t know, but I am sure he is in his room with his nose in a book.
73. To Have A Sweet Tooth
- Meaning: a person that has a sweet tooth likes to eat a lot of sweets.
- Use In A Sentence: If you are looking for something sweet, go talk to Mary. She has a sweet tooth and she always carrying some sort of candy in her backpack.
74. To Get One’s Feet Wet
- Meaning: to try something new.
- Use In A Sentence: If you are thinking about playing a musical instrument, start by getting your feet wet with the recorder. If you like it, you can advance to something a little more difficult.
75. To Take By Storm
- Meaning: to become very popular very quickly.
- Use In A Sentence: That new boy band took our school by storm. It seemed like everyone was listening to their music.
76. To Have Butterflies In One’s Stomach
- Meaning: to be nervous about something.
- Use In A Sentence: I always get butterflies in my stomach just before playing in the school concert.
77. To Go On A Wild Goose Chase
- Meaning: to look for something that seems impossible to find.
- Use In A Sentence: I can’t believe I went on a wild goose chase looking for a book that is out of print.
78. To Be The Black Sheep
- Meaning: used to describe someone as different from other members of a group such as a family.
- Use In A Sentence: Brittany is the black sheep of the family, choosing to drop out of college to pursue her dreams.
79. An Eagle Eye
- Meaning: used to describe a person that watching things very carefully and picks up on small details.
- Use In A Sentence: The students complete their tests under the eagle eye of their teacher.
80. To See The Glass As Half Empty
- Meaning: a person that always sees the negative in a given situation.
- Use In A Sentence: Oftentimes when people think about the future they see the glass as half empty.
81. To See The Glass As Half Full
- Meaning: a person that always sees the positive in a situation. To be optimistic.
- Use In A Sentence: Amy is such a positive person. Even when it seems like something is going to fail she always sees the glass as half full.
82. To Think Outside The Box
- Meaning: to think about something in a new creative way.
- Use In A Sentence: We really need to think outside the box if we want to win.
83. A Cow Pie
- Meaning: a slang term used for manure.
- Use In A Sentence: What is that smell? Someone must have stepped in a cow pie when we were out in the field.
84. To Kid Around With Someone
- Meaning: to joke with someone.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t think he is really going to do that. I think he was just kidding around.
85. To Cuddle Up With A Good Book
- Meaning: to make oneself comfortable in order to read a good book.
- Use In A Sentence: Hey Pam, do you have any plans for the weekend? I was going to go hiking, but it is supposed to rain. I think I will just cuddle up with a good book.
86. A Whole New Ball Game
- Meaning: a situation that is completely new to someone. Perhaps different than what was expected.
- Use In A Sentence: Going to 3rd grade in a new school will be a whole new ball game for him.
87. To Think On One’s Feet
- Meaning: to think quickly. To be able to make difficult decisions quickly. To react quickly.
- Use In A Sentence: In order to do well on the debate team, you need to be able to think on your feet.
88. To Cut Class / To Cut School
- Meaning: to skip a class or to skip school.
- Use In A Sentence: If mom finds out you cut class she will be very upset.
89. To Not Be One’s Cup Of Tea
- Meaning: used to describe something that a person does not like or does not like doing.
- Use In A Sentence: Are you going to invite Ivan? Playing baseball is not his cup of tea.
90. To Make A Mental Note About Something
- Meaning: to make a conscious effort to remember something.
- Use In A Sentence: Before entering the building, Johnny made a mental note of the things his mom told him to buy at the grocery store.
91. Cool Beans!
- Meaning: Cool, awesome, great!
- Use In A Sentence: Can you come to my party on Saturday night? Yes, what time. It starts at 7 pm. Cool Beans! I will be there.
92. To Be Like A Kid In A Candy Store
- Meaning: to be so excited about something that one acts like a child.
- Use In A Sentence: When Bob walked into the computer store he was like a kid in a candy store. He didn’t know where to start looking.
93. One’s Stomach Is In Knots
- Meaning: to be anxious or nervous about something.
- Use In A Sentence: Ricky told me his stomach was all in knots for his first day at school.
94. To Pull One’s Leg
- Meaning: to joke with someone.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t think the teacher meant that. I think he was just pulling your leg.
95. To Be Quiet As A Mouse
- Meaning: to be very quiet.
- Use In A Sentence: Jake was as quiet as a mouse sitting in the back of the room.
96. To Cross One’s Fingers
- Meaning: to hope for good luck that something good will happen.
- Use In A Sentence: Let’s cross our fingers and hope that Mom won’t find out about what happened to the kitchen table.
97. Birdbrain
- Meaning: a person who makes very poor decisions or a person who is not very smart.
- Use In A Sentence: You are such a birdbrain. I can’t believe you thought that you could get away with that.
98. To Pig Out
- Meaning: To eat a lot of something or to eat too much of something.
- Use In A Sentence: I think Steve is going to pig out on pizza. Normally his mom doesn’t let him have pizza. She says that it isn’t very healthy.
99. A Teacher’s Pet
- Meaning: The teacher’s favorite student.
- Use In A Sentence: Julie is such a teacher’s pet. She always does what the teacher says.
100. As Cool As A Cucumber
- Meaning: a person who is calm and composed especially during a stressful time.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t think Matt is nervous for the school play. He is always as cool as a cucumber.
101. Doggy Bag
- Meaning: a bag supplied by a restaurant which is used to take home leftovers.
- Use In A Sentence: Could I have a doggy bag? I don’t think I can finish this spaghetti.
102. To Be In The Bag
- Meaning: To be certain that you are going to win or achieve something.
- Use In A Sentence: I thought we had the basketball game in the bag, but then the other team came out of nowhere to beat us.
103. To Be Pooped
- Meaning: to be very tired.
- Use In A Sentence: After running the mile in gym class, I am pooped.
104. To Be As Happy As A Clam
- Meaning: to be really happy.
- Use In A Sentence: Jake was as happy as a clam to have a chance to play on the basketball team.
105. Don’t Have A Cow
- Meaning: another way to say, don’t get upset.
- Use In A Sentence: Calm down! Don’t have a cow! Mom is going to find out.
106. To Fight Like A Lion
- Meaning: to fight with courage.
- Use In A Sentence: She would fight like a lion to protect her family from harm.
107. The Last Straw
- Meaning: the final irritation that causes a person to lose one’s patience and become very upset.
- Use In A Sentence: Ok, that’s it! That’s the last straw! I can’t take this anymore! I told you to stop fighting, but now I am going to turn this car around and we are going home.
There you have it, 107 idioms for children. Did we miss one? If so, please let us know in the comments below.