The moon is a beautiful light in the light sky and it is for that reason that many idioms were inspired by this gem.
For that reason, in this post, we are going to look at 17 common moon idioms and how to use them.

17 Moon Idioms & Phrases (Meaning & Examples)
1. To Ask/Cry For The Moon
- Meaning: to make an unreasonable request for something that is unattainable.
- Use In A Sentence: I just asked if we could change the date to next Thursday and they are acting like I am asking for the moon.
2. To Be Over The Moon
- Meaning: to be extremely happy and/or excited.
- Use In A Sentence: Andrea was over the moon when Zach asked her to marry him.
3. To Cast Beyond The Moon
- Meaning: (British English) to consider unlikely possibilities.
- Use In A Sentence: The school guidance counselor encourages all of his students to cast beyond the moon when thinking about their future.
4. To Go Between The Moon And The Milkman
- Meaning: to flee from a situation overnight.
- Use In A Sentence: He was here last night, but now he is gone. He must have gone between the moon and the milkman.
5. And The Moon Is Made Of Green Cheese
- Meaning: when something appears unreal or unlikely.
- Use In A Sentence: Jerry says he is going to ask Nancy to marry him. Yeah right! Like the moon is made of green cheese!

6. Once In A Blue Moon
- Meaning: a long period of time; very rare.
- Use In A Sentence: I only get to see my friends once in a blue moon now that I study so far away from home.
7. To Promise The Moon
- Meaning: To make a big promise. To promise something that you can’t give or to promise something that is difficult to keep.
- Use In A Sentence: Before they married, Sam promised Mary the moon. She wanted to travel the world and then start a family. It’s now been five years and they haven’t even left the country, let alone have children.
8. To Think One Hung The Moon
- Meaning: to think of someone as the best or to view them as perfect.
- Use In A Sentence: Desiree was so mesmorized by Juan, it’s as if she thought he hung the moon.
9. To Look/Gaze/Stare Off Into Space
- Meaning: to be staring in a certain direction without looking at anything in particular; to be lost in thought.
- Use In A Sentence: Darwin was in such disbelief after hearing the news, he just sat there staring off into space.

10. To Bark/Howl At The Moon
- Meaning: to make an appeal that is unlikely to change
- Use In A Sentence: Convincing Ethan’s parents to give him more freedom was like howling at the moon.
11. To Moon About Someone Or Something
- Meaning: To be very sad about something or someone; to be depressed.
- Use In A Sentence: We needed to remind Sophia to stop mooning about Jeff because there are always more fish in the sea.
12. Bay At The Moon
- Meaning: to waste your time trying to do something that is nearly impossible.
- Use In A Sentence: You are baying at the moon. You need to try something different.
13. To Moon Something Away
- Meaning: to waste your time grieving over something.
- Use In A Sentence: Despite our efforts, Kayla mooned her vacation away by focusing on her recent break-up instead of soaking in the sun.

14. Many Moons Ago
- Meaning: a long time ago.
- Use In A Sentence: Many moons ago, Jacob and Deborah had an interest in each other.
15. Reach/Shoot For The Moon
- Meaning: to set high goals to do something difficult.
- Use In A Sentence: Fernando was an exceptional student. You didn’t need to remind him to shoot for the moon, he instinctively did.
16. The Moon On A Stick
- Meaning: to have everything you could want, usually things that are difficult to get.
- Use In A Sentence: What more do you want from me? The moon on a stick? I am sorry, but I can’t give you everything you want. I am doing the best I can.
17. To Love Someone To The Moon And Back
- Meaning: to love someone deeply.
- Use In A Sentence: Despite being shy, it was obvious that Bethany loved Walker to the moon and back.
There you have it! 17 moon idioms and how to use them. Which one is your favorite? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.