Cows have been an important part of human civilization for thousands of years, providing us with milk, meat, and other essential products.
It is no wonder that they have also become a rich source of inspiration for language, with numerous cow idioms and farm idioms featured in the English language.
These idiomatic expressions are a reflection of the cultural significance of cows and farming in our daily lives. From “until the cows come home” to “cash cow,” these idioms offer a creative and engaging way of expressing various aspects of human experience, from the passage of time to the pursuit of financial gain.
In this post, we will explore some of the most interesting and widely used cow idioms and farm idioms, examining their meanings and origins, and discovering the valuable insights they offer for everyday communication.
Through these idioms, we can gain a richer understanding of how our language is shaped by the objects and experiences around us, and how they can offer a unique way of expressing ourselves and connecting with others.

27 Cow Idioms And Sayings (Meaning & Examples)
1. As Awkward As A Cow On A Crutch
- Meaning: used to describe a person who is very clumsy and often loses their balance. It can also be used to describe someone who is uncoordinated.
- Use In A Sentence: Mary will never make the volleyball team. She is as awkward as a cow on a crutch.
2. Cow
- Meaning: a very cruel way of calling a female fat or ugly.
- Use In A Sentence: The next time I hear you call anyone a cow, you will have to answer to me.
3. Cow College
- Meaning: an unknown or rural college.
- Use In A Sentence: This is nothing but a cow college, I need to find something better.
4. To Cow Somebody Into Something
- Meaning: to pressure someone into doing something. Usually by means of shame or guilt.
- Use In A Sentence: Why don’t you go ask George? You can cow him into just about anything.
5. Don’t Have A Cow
- Meaning: another way to say, don’t get upset.
- Use In A Sentence: Calm down! Don’t have a cow! I am sure she has a good reason for being late.
6. Cow Plop
- Meaning: cow poop.
- Use In A Sentence: Be careful you don’t step in any cow plops when you walk through the cornfield.
7. As Strong As A Bull
- Meaning: to refer to a person who is physically very strong.
- Use In A Sentence: Why don’t you ask Andy to help you with the move? He is as strong as a bull.
8. Holy Cow!
- Meaning: another word for surprise such as; oh wow!
- Use In A Sentence: Holy cow! I can’t believe you got that job promotion. Congratulations!
9. How Now, Brown Cow?
- Meaning: a funny way to greet someone.
- Use In A Sentence: How now, brown cow? What do you have planned for today?
10. Until The Cows Come Home
- Meaning: for a very long time.
- Use In A Sentence: Where is your wife? She is still on the phone with her mother. She could talk with her until the cows come home.
11. Tin Cow
- Meaning: canned milk.
- Use In A Sentence: I am sorry, but all I have is tin cow. Is that okay?
12. To Milk The Bull
- Meaning: to engage in an activity that is impossible.
- Use In A Sentence: At first, my family told me we were crazy to set up a clothing store in this city. They told us we were milking the bull, but now, we are one of the biggest stores in the county.
13. A Cash Cow
- Meaning: something that generates a lot of money. For example, a business or investment. It could also be used to refer to a person who makes a lot of money.
- Use In A Sentence: When I first bought the property on 5th Avenue it was definitely a fixer-upper, but now it is a cash cow. It brings in several thousands of dollars each month.
14. Cow Doots
- Meaning: cow manure.
- Use In A Sentence: What is that smell? Did you step in cow doots?
15. Like A Bull At A Gate
- Meaning: to do something very quickly without giving it much forethought.
- Use In A Sentence: John ran down the field like a bull at a gate.
16. To Be Bull-Headed
- Meaning: to be very stubborn.
- Use In A Sentence: Can you go talk to him? He won’t listen to me. He is so bull-headed.
17. Cow Juice
- Meaning: slang for cow milk.
- Use In A Sentence: Can you pick up a couple of gallons of cow juice at the supermarket?
18. Like A Cow Peeing On A Flat Rock
- Meaning: used to describe very intense rain.
- Use In A Sentence: Why are you soaking wet? It is raining like a cow peeing on a flat rock.
19. Sacred Cow
- Meaning: something that is considered so sacred or special that it shouldn’t be criticized.
- Use In A Sentence: Whatever you do, don’t say anything bad about sports to Jerry. They are a sacred cow to him and he tends to take any remarks personally.
20. Cow Chips
- Meaning: pieces of cow manure.
- Use In A Sentence: Look out for those cow chips!
21. Moo Juice
- Meaning: slang for milk.
- Use In A Sentence: Would you like some sugar for your cup of joe? No, just moo juice for me.
22. To Be Like A Bull In A China Store
- Meaning: to be reckless in a place where you could cause a lot of harm or damage.
- Use In A Sentence: The conversation was going well until Jack came in like a bull in a china store. Once he left, things got much better.
23. If You Mess With The Bull, You Will Get The Horns
- Meaning: if you get another person upset you are going to reap the consequences. Or if you bother someone that is already angry, you are going to have problems.
- Use In A Sentence: Don’t talk to Eric right now. He just needs a minute to cool down. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Remember, if you mess with the bull, you will get the horns.
24. Cow Paste
- Meaning: slang for butter.
- Use In A Sentence: Now I will just slap some cow paste on this sandwich and I am ready to go.
25. Cow Flop
- Meaning: cow manure.
- Use In A Sentence: What did I tell you? I said to be careful not to step in the cow flop. Now go wash your boots off with the garden hose.
26. Throw The Bull
- Meaning: used to describe a person who is very clumsy and often loses their balance. It can also be used to describe someone who is uncoordinated.
- Use In A Sentence: Mary will never make the volleyball team. She is as awkward as a cow on a crutch.
27. To Grab/Take The Bull By The Horns
- Meaning: to deal with a difficult problem by taking clear, decisive action.
- Use In A Sentence: I know it is hard to talk to your boss about this problem, but you just need to take the bull by the horns and go talk to him.
In conclusion, cow idioms and farm idioms offer a fascinating insight into the cultural and linguistic heritage of the English language.
These idiomatic expressions are a testament to the enduring significance of farming and the humble cow in our daily lives and provide a creative and engaging way of expressing various aspects of the human experience.
From “holy cow” to “milking it,” these idioms have become an integral part of our everyday communication, reminding us of the importance of the animals and experiences that shape our language and culture.
By understanding and appreciating these cow idioms and farm idioms, we can not only improve our language skills but also gain valuable insights into human behavior and interaction, and ultimately, increase our appreciation for the rich diversity of our world.
There you have it! 27 popular cow idioms. Which one was your favorite?