Let me ask you a question, Did you have a cup of coffee this morning?
Most likely you did!
You may be enjoying a cup as we speak. Well if you are a coffee lover like myself you are going to really enjoy the next post on the blog.
In this post, we are going to look at 10 simple coffee idioms that you can use in your day-to-day conversation.
Let’s begin…

10 Idioms About Coffee
10 Coffee Idioms (Examples & Definitions)
Coffee Table Book
This list of coffee idioms starts with a very simple one. A coffee table book. This is a book that contains a lot of pictures. As the name implies it is often kept on the coffee table. Usually, it is used as a conversation starter.
“Marty published a coffee table book that features many of his pictures from Italy.”
“I love the picture in your coffee table book. Where did you buy it?”
Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
To tell someone to wake up and smell the coffee is a very popular coffee idiom. Smelling coffee first thing in the morning, even before getting out of bed, can wake a person up and get them excited for the day. By using this idiom you are telling someone to wake up and pay attention to what is going on around them. Sometimes you can use it to tell someone to wake up or get in touch with reality. Be more realistic.
“Come on, Steve! Wake up and smell the coffee. They are trying to rip you off!”
“Wake up and smell the coffee, Megan. No one is going to do the work for you. If you want to succeed you need to go out there and do the work.”
Coffee Break
A short break from work is often called a coffee break. It usually lasts between 15 to 20 minutes. During this time many people enjoy hot refreshments and snacks. However, you don’t necessarily have to enjoy a cup of joe in order to call it a coffee break.
“Let’s finish up this section and then take a quick coffee break.”
“Hey, why don’t we take a quick coffee break and then come back and work on this project?”
Let’s Talk Over A Cup Of Coffee
If someone asks you, if you would like to talk over a cup of coffee, they are asking you if you want to enjoy a friendly conversation. It usually involves having a conversation while enjoying some type of hot beverage and/or snack.
“Are you busy? Do you think we could talk? Sure, let’s talk over a cup of coffee. Can we meet at about 10:00 a.m?”
“Thanks for emailing your ideas for the new website. Let’s talk about them over a cup of coffee.”
Coffee In, Coffee Out
When you hear someone say coffee in, coffee out, they are saying that they drank too much coffee and as a result, they are having to go the bathroom more often than normal.
“Is there a bathroom around here? I drank a lot of coffee this morning and you know the expression, coffee in, coffee out.”
Cold Coffee
Don’t be fooled, this next idiom isn’t about coffee, but rather it is about beer. Yes, cold coffee can be slang for a beer.
“After work today, let’s go downtown and get some cold coffee. What do you think?”
“I am beat. I could really go for a cold coffee right about now.”
Cup Of Joe
A cup of Joe is a simple expression for a cup of coffee. The origin of this idiom is pretty interesting. In the early 1900s, sailors were not allowed to drink alcohol on naval vessels. The next best thing on board was, you guessed it, coffee. The sailors were happy with this rule so they started calling coffee a cup of joe. Today it is now probably one of the most popular idioms about coffee.
“Can I get you another cup of joe or are you all set? No, I am fine, but thank you.”
“There is nothing like enjoying a hot cup of joe first thing in the morning.”
To Grab A Cup Of Coffee
If someone tells you that they want to grab a cup of coffee they are saying that they want to get a cup of joe. Usually, they want to do it really quickly, by perhaps picking one up at a fast food restaurant. (This is probably one of my favorite coffee idioms, why? Because I love coffee!)
“I am going to go down to Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee would you like to join me?”
“Before we go down to the bookstore, let’s stop here and grab a cup of coffee.”
Coffee Shop
This next idiom refers to a small restaurant that serves refreshments, usually coffee, tea, and other hot drinks.
“I do most of my work downtown at a coffee shop. There I enjoy a cup of coffee while I work.”
“My favorite place to enjoy coffee is this coffee shop here.”
“I am a regular at this coffee shop.”
A Coffee Person
The next one is a pretty easy coffee idiom, one that you could probably include in just about any conversation. A person that prefers coffee over other hot beverages is called a coffee person.
“Thanks, but I think I will just take a cup of tea. I am not really much of a coffee person.”
There you have it! 10 easy coffee idioms. Which one is your favorite?
If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy our Idiom Of The Day page. There we post a different idiom every day. Check it out!