I am from Wisconsin.
For those of you that aren’t familiar with Wisconsin, we produce the majority of the cheese for the United States.
Being raised in such a state, I can say that I love cheese and I love talking about cheese.
So, as an English teacher, it would only be fitting to write this post on, Cheese Idioms, what they mean and how to use them to sound like a native English speaker.

15 Cheese Idioms
Here is a list of some of my favorite idioms with my favorite ingredient, cheese.
The Big Cheese
- Meaning: used to describe someone that is important or influential; the boss of a company.
- Similar Idioms: Big shot, Big Gun, Big Enchilada, A Big Fish
- Example: You’ll have to ask the Big Cheese for permission before making that request.
Say Cheese!
- Meaning: used to get people to smile for the camera
- Similar Idioms: Say Whiskey!
- Example: Okay everyone, look at the camera and say cheese!
- Meaning #1: Someone who is not very smart or someone acting dumb.
- Example #1: Would you stop being a cheesehead and get back to work.
- Meaning #2: Someone from the state of Wisconsin or a fan of the American Football team the Greenbay Packers (located in Wisconsin)
- Example #2: Even though I moved far away from Wisconsin, I will always consider myself a cheesehead.
To Cheese (someone) Off
- Meaning: (British English) to anger or to annoy someone.
- Example: What she said to you really cheeses me off!
To Cut The Cheese
- Meaning: (slang) to fart
- Similar Idioms: Pass gas
- Example: I think somebody cut the cheese in that elevator because it smelled really bad.
More Holes Than Swiss Cheese
- Meaning: To be flawed or to be unsound.
- Example: The story he told the police has more holes than Swiss Cheese.
Cheese It!
- Meaning: (British English) used to tell someone to stop doing something or to run away.
- Example: Cheese it, the teacher is coming!
Cheese And Kisses
- Meaning: Australian Slang used for the wife
- Example: After this, I am going home to the cheese and kisses.
- Meaning: Slang term for money.
- Similar Idioms: Cheese
- Example: That new cellphone costs mad cheddar.
Tough/Hard/Stiff Cheese
- Meaning: (British English) to have no sympathy for someone going through a hardship. There is little or nothing you can do to help them.
- Example: If you don’t like the movie, tough cheese, because this is all we got.
- Meaning #1: used to describe something that is lame or dumb; bad taste
- Similar idioms: Corny
- Example: I liked the movie, but the ending was kind of cheesy.
- Meaning #2: something that is low quality; cheap
- Example: Well at least you got a cool gift, all I got is this cheesy sweater.
- Meaning: (British English) Someone who is unwilling to spend money.
- Synonyms: Cheapskate, tight-fisted, stingy, frugal
- Example: Steve made his fortunes by cheeseparing.
- Meaning: someone who acts like a goof or a fool; silly
- Similar Idioms: Cheesehead
- Example: Matt always acts like a cheeseball when around girls.
Chalk And Cheese
- Meaning: (British English) to be different from each other.
- Similar Idioms: Like apples and oranges.
- Example: I can’t believe Mark and Keith are twins, they are like chalk and cheese.
Cheese Eater
- Meaning: (slang) an informer; a person who betrays his friends.
- Similar Idioms: rat
- Example: Some cheese eater told the teacher the prank we were going pull on Steve and so we all got in trouble.
There you have it! 15 Cheese idioms! Did we miss one? If so, please let us know in the comments below.