Are you looking for some useful mouth idioms and phrases?
You are in the right place.
In this post, we are going to look at a bunch of them. 35 mouth idioms to be exact.
Let’s begin…

35 Mouth Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples)
1. A Big Mouth
- Meaning: a person who talks too much or a person who tells confidential information to others.
- Use In A Sentence: Jessica is such a big mouth. Did you know that she told everyone that Steve and I are a couple?
2. A Plum In Your Mouth
- Meaning: (British English) to speak with an accent that is common among the higher class.
- Use In A Sentence: Have you noticed that Megan has been speaking with a plum in her mouth ever since she started attending that fancy university?
3. All Mouth And No Trousers
- Meaning: (British English) a boastful person. Usually, used to refer to someone who never lives up to their boastful claims.
- Use In A Sentence: He said he was going to nail that account, but he never did. He is all mouth and no trousers in my mind.
4. Bad-Mouth
- Meaning: to speak negatively about something or someone.
- Use In A Sentence: I wish he would stop bad-mouthing my boyfriend. He doesn’t even know him.
5. To Be Born With A Silver Spoon In One’s Mouth
- Meaning: to be born into a wealthy family.
- Use In A Sentence: I haven’t seen him work one day in his life. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he has never had to worry about money.
6. To Laugh Out Of The Other Side Of One’s Mouth
- Meaning: used to describe a person who’s emotions changed quickly. For example, they are happy one moment and the next moment they are upset.
- Use In A Sentence: Initially, I thought he was happy about his new job, but now he is laughing out of the other side of his mouth. He calls me every day complaining about his job.
7. Butter Won’t Melt In One’s Mouth
- Meaning: used to describe a person who is not sincere. A person who appears to be innocent. To be overly coy.
- Use In A Sentence: She may look innocent as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but don’t let her looks deceive you.
8. To Be Down At The Mouth
- Meaning: to appear to be very sad or depressed.
- Use In A Sentence: Do you know what happened to Stephanie? She has been down at the mouth all day.
9. Dragon Mouth
- Meaning: used to say that a person has bad-smelling breath.
- Use In A Sentence: No one wants to work with Scott because he always has dragon mouth.
10. To Put One’s Foot In One’s Mouth
- Meaning: to unintentionally say something without tact or something that is offensive to others.
- Use In A Sentence: Carlos put his foot in his mouth when he went up that obese woman and asked her when her baby was due.
11. Foul-Mouthed
- Meaning: someone who uses a lot of foul or obscene language.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t want Jason hanging around the kids anymore. He is so foul-mouthed. I am afraid the kids will learn to speak like him.
12. To Foam At The Mouth
- Meaning: to be really angry about something.
- Use In A Sentence: They were foaming at the mouth when they learned that the judge had declared him innocent.
13. To Get Something Straight From The Horse’s Mouth
- Meaning: to get information from the original source.
- Use In A Sentence: Did you hear that Mark and Natalie are going to have a baby? Wow, I thought they didn’t want to have kids. I won’t believe it until I get it straight from the horse’s mouth.
14. To Have One’s Heart In One’s Mouth
- Meaning: to be very nervous or anxious about something.
- Use In A Sentence: I had my heart in my mouth as I waited for the teacher to call my name.
15. To Hold One’s Mouth The Right Way
- Meaning: to do something very carefully
- Synonym: To hold one’s mouth right.
- Use In A Sentence: Are you sure you can do it? You’ll have to hold your mouth just the right way so that it doesn’t fall.
16. To Hush Your Mouth!
- Meaning: an informal way to tell a person to be quiet.
- Use In A Sentence: I have heard enough from you! Hush your mouth!
17. To Keep One’s Mouth Shut
- Meaning: to keep quiet about something. To keep a secret.
- Use In A Sentence: Okay, I will tell you, but you need to keep your mouth shut. You can’t tell anyone. Promise?
18. To Leave A Bad Taste In One’s Mouth
- Meaning: to have a bad feeling about someone or something. To leave a negative impression on someone.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t know if we can trust David anymore. The fact that he wouldn’t tell us the truth just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
19. To Make One’s Mouth Water
- Meaning: to cause a person to eagerly long for something they want.
- Use In A Sentence: Just listening to his successful business story is enough to make my mouth water.
20. Mealy-Mouthed
- Meaning: a person who is hesitant to express their opinion about something controversial.
- Use In A Sentence: No one wants to talk! They just have these mealy-mouthed conversations that end up going nowhere.
21. To Melt In One’s Mouth
- Meaning: used to describe food that tastes very good. It can also be used in a literal sense to describe food that is tender.
- Use In A Sentence: That steak was so tender it just melted in my mouth.
22. Motor-Mouth
- Meaning: a person who talks too much or a person who talks too quickly.
- Use In A Sentence: You can’t say I didn’t warn you about Susan being a motor mouth. She loves to talk.
23. A Mouth Full Of South
- Meaning: a person who speaks with a strong southern accent.
- Use In A Sentence: I really like Johnny’s accent. I could listen to his mouth full of South all day long.
24. To Mouth On Someone
- Meaning: to reveal compromising information to an authority figure that could get a person in trouble. To tattle on someone.
- Use In A Sentence: It didn’t take much pressure before Dan mouthed on his accomplices.
25. A Mouth Breather
- Meaning: slang for someone who acts stupid.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t know how we are going to get this project done with this team. It is a team full of mouth breathers.
26. Potty Mouth
- Meaning: a person who uses a lot of obscenities in their speech.
- Synonyms: Dirty, toilet, or sewer mouth
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t like hanging out with Mark. He has such a potty mouth.
27. To Put Words In One’s Mouth
- Meaning: when a person claims that you said something that you didn’t actually say.
- Use In A Sentence: I never said that you don’t help around the house. Now you are just putting words in my mouth.
28. To Run One’s Mouth
- Meaning: to talk a lot.
- Use In A Sentence: Every time I walk into the warehouse Lonnie is running his mouth about how he doesn’t get treated fairly. If he started to work more and talk less, I am sure he would be treated better.
29. To Take Words Right Out Of One’s Mouth
- Meaning: to say something that a person was just about to say. To agree with someone.
- Use In A Sentence: You took the words right out of my mouth. This beach house is beautiful.
30. Smart Mouth
- Meaning: used to describe a person who is sarcastic or a person who speaks to others in a disrespectful way.
- Use In A Sentence: Stop being a smart mouth with your mother! Listen to her. She is just trying to help you out.
31. To Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
- Meaning: to take action. To not just talk about something, but to do it.
- Use In A Sentence: If the officials were truly worried about the environment they would put their money where their mouth is and give us the needed resources to fix this problem.
32. Do You Kiss Your Momma With That Mouth?
- Meaning: an expression used to tell someone they need to clean up their speech, by not using obscenities, vulgar language, etc.
- Use In A Sentence: Do you kiss your momma with that mouth? You need to stop using that kind of language.
33. By Word Of Mouth
- Meaning: to share information by talking about it.
- Use In A Sentence: I don’t send out any fliers to advertise this service. Most of my clients hear about it by word of mouth.
34. To Zip One’s Mouth
- Meaning: another way to say shut up.
- Synonyms: Zip It
- Use In A Sentence: I can’t work with Marley anymore. He talks nonstop all day long. Someone really needs to tell him to zip his mouth before he gets himself into trouble.
35. To Mouth Off
- Meaning: to talk back to someone.
- Use In A Sentence: Sam got in trouble for mouthing off to his mother.
There you have it! 35 mouth idioms and phrases that you can use every day. Which one is your favorite?