Are you looking for some good cloud idioms to include in your day-to-day English conversations?
If so, you have come to the right place.
In this post, we are going to look at 12 Cloud Idioms, what they mean, and how to use them in a sentence.
Let’s get started.

12 Cloud Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples)
1. A Cloud Hangs Over Someone Or Something
- Meaning: used to describe when someone or something is surrounded by feelings of uncertainty, distrust, or negativity. It is often used after a negative event in the recent past.
- Use In A Sentence: A cloud hangs over the company as the criminal investigations into the CEO continued.
2. To Be On Cloud Nine
- Meaning: to be in a state of extreme happiness.
- Use In A Sentence: Jennifer has been on cloud nine ever since she started going out with Tommy. I just hope he doesn’t break her heart.
3. A Cloud Of Suspicion
- Meaning: to have feelings of suspicion of wrongdoing committed by someone.
- Use In A Sentence: Ever since the money went missing, there has been a cloud of suspicion over the employee’s heads. It seems ever more likely that their boss was guilty.
4. To Cloud The Issue
- Meaning: to distract people from the current topic by introducing irrelevant or misleading information.
- Use In A Sentence: Rather than give a simple explanation, he clouded the issue even more by bringing up John’s past.
5. Coming Up A Cloud
- Meaning: to appear like it is going to rain.
- Use In A Sentence: It is really coming up a cloud outside. Let’s bring our raincoats and umbrellas with us, just in case.
6. Every Dark Cloud Has A Silver Lining
- Meaning: a silver lining on a cloud means that the sun is behind it. With that in mind, it means that something good can come out of a bad situation.
- Use In A Sentence: Whenever I am going through a hard time, I try to remind myself that every dark cloud has a silver lining.
7. To Have One’s Head In The Clouds
- Meaning: to be absentminded. A person that doesn’t know what is going on around them. A person who is not realistic because they are always thinking about their hopes or dreams.
- Use In A Sentence: It is difficult to try to solve this problem when half of my team has their head in the clouds.
8. In The Clouds
- Meaning: Detached from reality. Impractical.
- Use In A Sentence: It is hard to talk to Caleb about his business because he is always in the clouds dreaming about his next adventure. I say he should quit his job and travel the world. It’s obvious that is what he really wants to do.
9. A Cloud On The Horizon
- Meaning: a sign that something bad is going to happen in the near future.
- Use In A Sentence: Although the business is doing well today, there is a cloud on the horizon. The government could institute new regulations that could affect production.
10. To Cloud Over
- Meaning: to become clouded or opaque.
- Use In A Sentence: The bathroom mirror started to cloud over as the steam from the hot shower filled the room.
11. Storm Clouds
- Meaning: it suggests impending trouble or problems.
- Use In A Sentence: If I had to guess, I’d say there will be storm clouds in the young couple’s future. They may think they are in love, but the reality is, they are not.
12. To Build Castles In The Sky
- Meaning: to create dreams or hopes that are unrealistic.
- Use In A Sentence: To create a business from nothing, you can’t just build castles in the sky, you need to have a definite business plan. Therefore, let’s discuss how we can help you achieve your goals at our next meeting.
If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy our Idiom Of The Day page. There we post a different idiom every day. Check it out!