No doubt most of you have crossed a bridge at some point in your life. But did you know that the word bridge is used in some popular idioms?
In this post, we are going to talk about 11 common bridge idioms and phrases.

11 Bridge Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples)
1. A Bridge Too Far
- Meaning: a goal or plan that is very ambitious. It is usually so ambitious that it is very difficult to accomplish.
- Use In A Sentence: The plan to learn Russia in 3 months proved to be a bridge too far for Mark.
- Use In A Sentence: The plan to have this project down by June proved to be a bridge too far. We need to reevaluate how long it is going to take.
2. To Bridge Over Something
- Meaning: used to describe something other than a bridge that serves the same function.
- Use In A Sentence: Let’s cross the river over here. It looks like there are some rocks that bridge over the river. That will make it easier to cross without getting our feet wet.
3. To Build Bridges
- Meaning: to improve relationships between an individual or a group of people. To promote friendships.
- Use In A Sentence: Despite a rocky start, Andrew is trying hard to build a bridge with his brother-in-law Luke.
- Use In A Sentence: Kendyl invited Sarah and Ruth to lunch. She hopes that by sharing a meal together they can build bridges and become friends again.
Additional Reading: 28 Idioms About Friendships – Meanings and Examples
4. To Burn (One’s) Bridges
- Meaning: to make a decision that you can’t undo in the future. It can also mean to remove the possibility of returning to something.
- Use In A Sentence: Lenny has burned so many bridges with his previous company that they will never work with him again.
5. To Cross A Bridge When One Comes To It
- Meaning: to deal with a situation when it occurs, not beforehand.
- Use In A Sentence: Well, if we have to move houses we will cross that bridge when it comes. Right now, let’s just focus on being happy where we live.
6. To Bridge The Gap
- Meaning #1: to use something as a temporary fix to a problem.
- Use In A Sentence: Let’s hire a few temporary workers. That will help us bridge the gap until the rest of our team returns in May.
- Meaning #2: to make it easier for 2 groups of people to communicate with each other.
- Use In A Sentence: Mark can you speak with both the accounting and purchasing teams. Right now, there seems to be a rift between these two departments. However, I think you can help bridge the gap and get them talking again.
7. To Cross A Bridge Before It Comes
- Meaning: to worry excessively about something that has not happened yet.
- Use In A Sentence: Jane is so worried that the doctor will give her bad news. However, I reminded her that we will cross that bridge when it comes. In the meantime, we should enjoy the time that we have together.
8. To Be Painting The Forth Bridge
- Meaning: used to refer to a project that takes a lot of time. In fact, it takes so much time that once you have completed it, you need to start at the beginning again.
- Use In A Sentence: This house has a ton of windows. It is like painting the Forth Bridge. By the time we wash all the windows, we are going to have to start over again.
9. To Burn One’s Bridges In Front Of Oneself
- Meaning: to do something that is going to create problems in the future.
- Use In A Sentence: I am always burning bridges in front of me. I just insulted an old man in the breakroom for being too slow. Then afterward, Julie tells me that he is the new boss.
10. Like Water Under The Bridge
- Meaning: to refer to a problem that has been resolved.
- Use In A Sentence: We had a big dispute about 3 years ago, and we weren’t talking to each other for a long time. However, we have since resolved the issue and are now really good friends. Those issues are like water under the bridge.
11. To Cross That Bridge Later
- Meaning: to deal with an issue at another point in time.
- Use In A Sentence: Keith wanted to get ahead of himself and paint the sunroom before spring. I had to remind him to cross that bridge later when he will have more free time.
There you have it! 11 common bridge idioms. Which one is your favorite?