Are you looking for some idioms using or related to the word blood? Well if so, check out these common blood idioms below.

34 Useful Blood Idioms (Meaning & Examples)
A blood brother
- Meaning: A man or boy who has given their loyalty to another, despite not being biologically related.
- Example Sentence: There is no question about it, Tom and Jack are blood brothers.
Bad blood
- Meaning: A bad relationship between two people because of past troubles.
- Example Sentence: Taylor and Katy had bad blood for years, but they have finally resolved their problems.
Be someone’s own flesh and blood
- Meaning: To be a relative of someone, many times used for one’s offspring.
- Example Sentence: I am the man’s own flesh and blood yet he will not help me out! I don’t know who to turn to anymore.
To be in your blood
- Meaning: To have some quality or characteristic ingrained in you
- Example Sentence: Jealousy is in her blood. She will not move on with the project until the teacher declares her as being number one.
Be out for blood
- Meaning: To seek vengeance on someone.
- Example Sentence: All I can say is Dexter is out for blood, so you better watch it!
Blood and guts
- Meaning: Violence and bloodshed, an idiom especially used in works of fiction.
- Example Sentence: That movie is just full of blood and guts. I don’t recommend it.
Blood and thunder
- Meaning: Unrestrained and violent action especially used when speaking of sports or fiction.
- Example Sentence: That movie had a lot of blood and thunder. I had to tell my neighbor not to bring his 8 year old to the theater with him. It was disturbing enough to me as an adult, I can’t imagine what it would be like for a kid.
Blood is thicker than water
- Meaning: Family loyalties are stronger than any other relationship.
- Example Sentence: Mike will certainly help you out. Remember, blood is thicker than water. He has and always will put his family first.
Blood on the carpet
- Meaning: An exaggerated way to describe a serious disagreement or the aftermath of it.
- Example Sentence: Louise and Lenny left blood on the carpet last night. I don’t know who won the argument but I am certainly interested in finding out.
(To make) someone’s blood run cold
- Meaning: To shock or horrify someone.
- Example Sentence: That movie made my blood run cold. I will never watch it again.
Blood sweat and tears
- Meaning: When someone works extremely hard.
- Example Sentence: Kit put her blood, sweat, and tears into getting the ranch ready for her horses. It all paid off though as she was awarded ‘Best New Ranch’ in the Calgary Times.
Blood will tell
- Meaning: Family characteristics can not be hidden or concealed.
- Example Sentence: Don’t worry James! Blood will tell that you and Dan are brothers.
Blue blood
- Meaning: The bloodline or family line of a noble family.
- Example Sentence: Bridget has blue blood. Her grandfather was a cop, her dad was a cop and now she is carrying on the family tradition.
Curdle someone’s blood
- Meaning: To frighten someone.
- Example Sentence: That man would curdle my blood if I saw him again. He was old, dirty and had an unnerving look in his eye.

Draw blood
- Meaning: To make a wound that bleeds.
- Example Sentence: I don’t like to watch boxing because someone always draws blood.
First blood
- Meaning: The first point or advantage gained in a competition.
- Example Sentence: The first blood goes to Johnny.
Out for blood
- Meaning: To be very angry with someone, to be determined to defeat or punish them.
- Example Sentence: Tommy is out for blood so watch your backs!
Smell blood
- Meaning: To sense an opponents vulnerability or weaknesses.
- Example Sentence: Sarah could smell blood, therefore she was able to defeat Maya at the wrestling match.
Sweat blood
- Meaning: To be very anxious about something.
- Example Sentence: I’m so nervous about seeing my ex, I’m sweating blood. I hope it all goes well and we can be friends again.
Taste blood
- Meaning: To harm an opponent and thus want to continue to cause even more harm to them.
- Example Sentence: Chase could taste blood when he realized London’s weaknesses.
To scream bloody murder
- Meaning: To scream or yell in an angry and loud manner.
- Example Sentence: There is no doubt in my mind that when my mom screams bloody murder, the neighbors hear it.
To get blood from a stone
- Meaning: When something or someone is very frustrating and difficult.
- Example Sentence: It’s like getting blood from a stone with Richard, he drives me crazy!
To have someone’s blood on one’s hands
- Meaning: To be responsible for someone’s death.
- Example Sentence: Unfortunately after the car accident, Ms. Cline had blood on her hands and would likely do jail time.
In cold blood
- Meaning: To do something ruthlessly, without feeling.
- Example Sentence: It was obvious he had no remorse. He left her there in cold blood. What an awful ending to an already sad story.
In one’s blood
- Meaning: Something that someone is born with, such as a characteristic or personality trait.
- Example Sentence: No matter what he said, Jack had a competitive spirit. It was in his blood.
Like getting blood out of a stone
- Meaning: When it is very difficult to get something from someone.
- Example Sentence: Asking Ruth for a favor is like getting blood out of a stone. It’s nearly impossible to get what you want.
New blood
- Meaning: Referring to new members or people brought into a group or company.
- Example Sentence: We have some new blood at the company. John hired them yesterday.
Someone’s blood is up
- Meaning: When someone is in a fighting mood.
- Example Sentence: Watch out for Brooks! When his blood is up he is dangerous.
To go for the jugular
- Meaning: To aggressively attack someone.
- Example Sentence: I told him to go for the jugular, but I didn’t mean it.
To make someone’s blood boil
- Meaning: To infuriate someone.
- Example Sentence: My roommate Walter makes my blood boil. He is so unkind and selfish. I hope he finds a new place to live soon.
To rich for someone’s blood
- Meaning: When something is too expensive for someone’s budget.
- Example Sentence: That new motorcycle is too rich for my blood.
To sweat blood
- Meaning: To make a strenuous effort to do something.
- Example Sentence: Dylan sweat blood trying to fix his Dad’s truck the other day. The worst part was, after five hours, it still was not fixed.
To taste blood
- Meaning: To be successful at something that it motives one to continue pursuing a similar course.
- Example Sentence: Once Billy tasted blood, his whole mind set changed. He went from having a negative attitude about the sport, to feeling confident in himself and his ability to compete.
- Meaning: Young people. (often used to refer to young, new hires at a company)
- Example Sentence: My boss told me to find some young blood, so I hired a 22-year-old college graduate.
So there you have it! Thirty-four idioms to do with the word blood. Do you have any more we could add to the list? If so, please let us know below.